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Alison, ja tez lubie dworce
Zwlaszcza ten z filmu mi sie podoba ....
Gdyby tacy faceci jezdzili pociagami, to bym zostala stala pasazerka PKP.
A ja myslałam, że konduktorką, i że bys mu zawsze jakiś błąd w bilecie znajdowała, żeby musiał cię tak prosić, i prosić, i prosić, żebyś mu darowała ;-)
Banerek z Rysiem (samam zrobila, jak zwykle):
Poniedziałek jak żywy!!!
Dzieki Caroline za ten artykul
A te dwa zdania sa piekne.
Ja bym dodala jeszcze :
"Nie jestem w stanie uwierzyc, ze takÄ… kobietÄ™ moglbym cokolwiek obchodzic"
Ali, na tym banerze, to jako zywo na szczescie Poniedzialka mi nie przypomina.
A z ta konduktorka to nawet dobry pomysl ...
Podroze sa takie dlugie i zawsze mozna sie zamknac w przedziale sluzbowym, zeby nikt nie przeszkadzal
A co do zakończenia w książce, każda z nas ma wrażenie że jest jakby urwane, prawda? Czytałam gdzieś, że Gaskell przerwała pisanie, miała zamiar do tego ostatniego wątku wrócić, ale po jakimś czasie uznała że to idealny koniec książki
Mnie się zakończenie bardzo podoba. Jest bardzo współczesne. Tak się kończą amerykańskie komedie romantyczne :-)
Porywający obiekt pożądania
Setki kobiet wpadły w sidła niezwykłej namiętności do Richarda Armitage, który gra właściciela fabryki z północy w serialu BBC N&S.
Qrcze, po przeczytaniu tego artukułu chciałoby się powiedzieć: Przebóg odkryto mnie! 8O
No i to jest właśnie zastanawiające. Zauważcie, że w tym naszym kółku różańcowym, to niestety za wielu "nastek" nie ma tylko jak się zdaje,ętajace adapter marki "Bambino". To jakaś zagadka socjologiczna... Bo jednak za nową Dumą, to jednak młodzież bardziej przyszalała, mnie to szybko przeszło, o ile w ogóle przyszło... Bardziej to chyba tylko "wyoglądałam" D&U 1995 ze śp. Colinkiem :-(
Ali, na tym banerze, to jako zywo na szczescie Poniedzialka mi nie przypomina.
A mnie BARDZO! Poza pierwszym i trzecim zdjęciem - Poniedziałek jak żywy!
Ali, herezyje i tyle z tym Poniedzialkiem.
No wlasnie, zeby stara baba takie bezecenstwa wyprawiala na ogolniedostepnym forum, wypisywala takie farmazony i wzdychala do bohatera powiesci ... to nienormalne, bez dwoch zdan...
Wstyd mi jak cholera ale i tak nie moge sie powstrzymac, zeby sie nie zachwycac.
Ten artykuł to święta racja. To tak jakby pisali o nas, a na 100% o mnie.
Caroline - dzięki!
Age - 33
Height - 6' 2"
Marital status - single
Best asset - his bum, which he flashed in the saucy drama, Between the Sheets.
Age - 44
Height - 6' 1"
Marital status - married to Livia
Best asset - the six-pack he showed off in Pride & Prejudice.
Przy okazji znalazlam jakis artykul i chcialabym sie dowiedziec, co on tam mowi:
"When I pointed out that I'd spotted Mr. Thornton, the stern and forbidding mill owner dressed in a Vivienne Westwood kilt, he groans. "Oh, have you seen it? It was a mad stylist's idea. I'm game for anything, but I couldn't wait to get it off. It's not easy to sit down without showing everything off! I really feel for you....."
He laughs out loud when I remark I don't normally wear skirts as short as his and he seems to genuinely enjoy being interviewed. He is down to earth, chatty and spontaneous and the whole media thing clearly hasn't yet become a chore.
[Brought up in Leicester by his school secretary mother and engineer father, Richard, 34, went to a theatre school in Coventry before joining a circus in Budapest to gain his Equity card. His act incorporated illusion and mime and he received "particular praise for his skills with hulla hoops and a skateboard." He followed this by more conventional training at the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.]
It's all a long way from the brooding John Thornton - a role he admits he was "desperately keen" to land.
"I wanted to play Thornton because I read the book and fell in love with the characters, particularly because of my own family heritage. My father is from Yorkshire and his mother and ancestors were weavers and my own mother is from the south. There was a real relevance to my personal life that I thought I could bring to the character."
[His father's Yorkshire roots, particularly the accent, also came in useful, according to Richard. The Sean-Bean-style tones he used in North & South and other roles have certainly added to the swoon-factor for his fans. In reality his voice is best described as "standard Southern" although you can still hear the East Midlands lilt if you listen hard.]
North & South is an intense love story with many poignant moments. The dramatic proposal scene in it is one of Richard's favourite scenes for all kinds of reasons.
"The proposal was exhilarating to film because we got quite a lot of long runs in the scene and I think we were both quite satisfied with stretching our acting legs, as it were."
However, when asked if anything disturbed the seriousness of the occasion, he laughes.
"Oh, constantly, we're both bad gigglers and when Daniela gets a glint in her eye I instantly pick up on it and we're both on the floor laughing. Yes we did have a lot of fun doing that!"
z innego artykulu:
"I play Phillip Turner, an arrogant, upper class man who's implicated in a murder", says Richard, who laughs when asked how it feels to be the new Mr. Darcy. "It's a huge compliment because Darcy was a definitive career moment for Colin Firth and he is an actor I admire."
And while North & South's John Thornton may have paired off with Margaret Hale, Richard is up for grabs, "I am single, but that's not saying I am not dating", says Richard. "In fact I have had quite a good social life these last few months." We can't imagine why!
Z innego:
Comparisons to Colin Firth have inevitably arisen, but while he admits he's flattered, he's not in a hurry to take on the role of Mr Darcy.
"North and South has been my favourite role so far," Richard says.
"I'm happy to be compared to Colin Firth. It's an obvious comparison because of the nature of the character - although I think we are quite different actors. "I think Colin has defined the role of Darcy and with a new film version in post production there will be plenty of Darcys - without having to sit through mine!"
Tu jeszcze jest artykul, ale musze przytoczyc go w calosci, bo jest na zamknietym forum:
Britain's newest heart-throb
Dec 23 2004
Jane Hall, Western Mail
TYPE Richard Armitage's name into any internet search engine and you will come up with hundreds of hits. Unfortunately for his legion of female admirers, few of them will have anything to do with Richard Armitage the actor - most will refer to the US deputysecretary of state of the same name.
To see how frustrating this must be proving to thousands of his fans you just have to log on to the BBC drama homepage and click on the message board.
The following is a typical entry. "Help! I have a new crush. I need to feed my addiction to Richard Armitage. Can anyone direct me to his website? Can't find out any info." Signed: 'Besotted.'
"Can't find anything other than that he's been in Sparkhouse and Beneath the Sheets," comes the reply from Gaynor. "Anyone out there who can help?"
"Not much to report," adds another Richard Armitage addict. "Did find he was in Star Wars. Anyone know anything else he's been in?"
"Richard makes my toes curl in anticipation," adds another. "He's much more exciting than Colin Firth as Darcy."
"I agree. Richard is much more passionate than Darcy," states Tracy emphatically.
Other fans are more risque in their inquiries about television's latest period drama heart throb.
It seems that all a host of red-blooded woman want to talk about is Richard Armitage and his portrayal of the handsome and charismatic mill owner John Thornton in the BBC's recent adaptation of North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell's tale of rioting and romance in a mid-Victorian Lancashire cotton town which ended earlier this month.
Which makes it all the more surprising when the man in question claims to be blissfully unaware of the effect he is having on a sizeable proportion of the nation's women.
"Oh God," he says. "Are they really saying all that?
"I have made a point of not reading any reviews. My experience of making North and South was so good I don't want it tainted yet.
"I am certainly unaware that all these things are being written about me by women. I don't know what to say.
"I will read it all eventually but I think I'd better wait until the fuss dies down."
Richard, 33, has certainly struck a chord as Thornton.
It was with a collective sigh of relief from the several million women who sat down on Sunday evenings to watch the four-part drama, that Northerner Thornton eventually successfully wooed and won feisty and outspoken Southerner Margaret Hale.
Many will have no doubt wished they were in My Family and former EastEnders star Daniela Denby-Ashe's dainty Victorian shoes when Thornton finally took the woman of his dreams into his arms.
It's been a decade since Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice emerged from a lake in a dripping-wet shirt and with his breeches sculpted to his body and sparked "Darcymania".
There was no such scene in North and South, but that hasn't stopped women salivating. It's amazing how Thornton removing his cravat in one scene and his frock coat in another has proved just as sexy.
No name has been officially dreamed up for the furore that now surrounds John Thornton/Richard Armitage's arrival.
"Thorntonmania" unfortunately doesn't have the right ring to it.
Various references to a certain chocolate firm have been bandied around on the BBC message board but, thankfully, none has yet been adopted.
Richard, who fans will be thrilled to hear is currently single ("There is no one interested as far as I am aware" - obviously forgetting he now has a pool of hundreds of thousands of doting women to draw from should he so desire) says he is "extremely flattered by all the attention."
But he seems down to earth enough not to be carried awayby his newfound sex symbol status.
Thornton is but one character he has played in an acting career stretching back 12 years and which has included a stint with the RSC.
And while there are elements of Richard's character in Thornton, he says, "He isn't me."
Who does he think the women currently spending all their time day dreaming about him are really interested in?
"That's a good question," he says. "I would have to say Thornton.
"I can see his appeal for women. He is courageous.
"He has suffered great tragedy in his life and kept his family together.
"At the beginning he has this reputation that precedes him which is based on his ruthlessness with his workers and I think that's quite an exciting dynamic to start with.
"But then what happens during the course of the story is that his layers get peeled back and he reveals somebody else inside who is actually quite sensitive and lonely.
"He needs a lot really and he finds it through Margaret.
"I think that sort of dichotomy between the very powerful, almost monstrous, entrepreneur and then this kind of vulnerable boy, is really exciting to look at."
This, coupled with the fact that like many in his profession he has had to wait many years for his big break, is perhaps why Richard isn't about to get carried away by his newfound fame.
North and South is the Leicestershire born actor's biggest role to date - and a part he desperately wanted to get.
"You want every job. But I just couldn't get this part out of my head and I kept reading the book. I tortured myself with thinking I hadn't got the part.
"I was one of the first people they saw at the beginning of the casting process and one of the last.
"I think they went off in all sorts of different directions looking for the character but then it came back around and they decided to go with me, which was great."
Richard was drawn by the fact North and South isn't just a love story full of misunderstandings in the Pride and Prejudice vein, but an appeal on Mrs Gaskell's part for humanity and understanding between masters and their men that raises all sorts of questions - then and now.
There is also his family background.
"My father is from Leeds, and ironically my mother is from the south, Oxfordshire."
Many of his father's side of the family worked in the cotton mills. "My father's family were weavers and spinners. It is where I came from and it was exciting to think I could be a part of it," he explains.
"I've also worked up North a lot, probably more than anywhere else and I love being there.
"My mill was in Keighley where I really found the character."
He was exhaustive in his research of Thornton's character, and looked at the early socialists. "I studied the union movement. It was very important. What we take for granted now was just being born then."
He was also keen to portray Thornton as authentically as possible.
"We found an accent which was not a modern city accent, or a country accent. It was old-fashioned, but still an industrial accent."
His own accent couldn't be further removed from Thornton's. A graduate of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (Lamda), Richard's can best be described as nondescript Southern.
His speech is peppered with jokes and little asides, however, and he genuinely seems to enjoy being interviewed.
It is, though, a relatively new experience for him.
While he has rarely been short of work since leaving Lamda, he says, "Most of the roles I have played have tended to be contrasting, which is why you don't read any interviews with me.
"I'm sort of there in the background."
He is unlikely to remain in the background now. Following his success in North and South he is sure to be viewed as hot property.
Unlike Colin Firth, Richard isn't worried about being typecast as a romantic costume drama hero.
"I'm just glad when I'm offered a job," he says laughing. "As long as people cast me I don't mind if I'm typecast or not. Colin has had a good career on the back of Darcy."
Chances are Richard will avoid the costume drama trap.
He has just finished filming an Inspector Lynley mystery for the BBC and a Granada production called Malice Aforethought in which he plays "quite a nasty misogamist," who is a world away from Thornton.
At the moment he is "resting" - to use the time-honoured actor's parlance for being out of work - but has high hopes for 2005.
In the meantime he is preparing for Christmas with his family, and having just become an uncle for the first time is looking forward to spending time with his four-week-old nephew.
And if it does all come crashing down around his eyes, he won't be too worried as he has other cards up his sleeve.
"If I hadn't become an actor I would have trained as an architect," he says.
"And if it does all go pear-shaped then I could fall back on my music. I play the cello, guitar and flute - not very well now as I haven't really done it much for a few years - but I have played in orchestras.
"Music is a good wind- down after acting."
But if his female admirers have anything to do with it, there will be no chance of Richard leaving the limelight behind.
A tu artykul o filmie North& South z listopada 2004.
Moze byc ciekawy, bo to o tworcach filmu i jego realizacji, jak mi sie zdaje: … le4111.ece
Gosia , Ty to wykończysz te nasze wspaniałe kobiety
Co do jego wypowiedzi, to ja chce tylko wiedziec, czy on mowi cos istotnego.
Nigdy bym nie chciala wykonczyc naszych kochanych tlumaczek.
Ja się krótko wypowiem odnosnie tego przetłumaczonego artykułu o popularności N&S. Tak sie złożyło, ze dowiedziałąm się o tym serialu z Internetu właśnie wtedy, gdy w Anglii cieszył się największą popularnością. Bywałam na tym forum i jak zaczarowana chłonęłam każde słowo, choć filmu nie widziałam. I jak najszybciej zamówiłam potem DVD :-)
oj wierze Gosieńko, wierze, ale dziewczyny przez nas po nocach nie śpią, więc trudno się dziwić, że im się nawet Thornton nie chce przyśnić skoro nie sypiają
Cześć dziewczyny.
Jestem tu od niedawna i przeglądam poszczególne tematy. Zauważyłam, że niemal wszyscy zachwycają się N&S. Oglądałam ten film, całkiem sympatyczny, ale w ogóle nie potrafię zrozumieć Waszego uwielbienia dla głównego bohatera. Pewnie zaraz mnie zlinczujecie, ale swoje zdanie chyba mogę wyrazić? Jak dla mnie Armitage jest zupełnie przeciętnym facetem, nic szczególnego.
I zgadzam się, że jest podobny do Poniedziałka.
Oczywiście, ze możesz mieć swoje zdanie - przecież o gustach się nie dyskutuje. Właściwie to anwet nie chodzi o samego aktora, tylko o aktora w roli Thorntona. ;-) No i u mnie na odbiór serialu rzutuje też powieść, którą bardzo lubię.
Wiem, że chodzi głównie o Thorntona, ale nie zrobił on na mnie żadnego wrażenia. Dlatego tak mnie dziwią Wasze zachwyty. Ale masz rację, o gustach się nie dyskutuje.
Margaret mnie też nie zachwycił,jak teraz na to patrzę to zachwyciła mnie bardziej rola niż on jako mężczyzna :)To też nie mój typ mężczyzny
Tu się nie ma co dziwić - piękno znajduje sie jak zwykle w oku patrzącego. ;-) Podaj swoje typy ;-)
Tutaj się dyskutuje, a raczej podkręca śrubę zachwytu zazwyczaj
BTW, Margaret, ładne imię, ale już mamy jedną Margarett, więc poszukaj avatarka, który będzie Cię odróżniał, bo jeszcze pomyślimy, że lubisz Thorntona/Armitage'a
To też nie mój typ mężczyzny
Mój też nie.
To lepiej nie myślcie, że lubię Thorntona/Armitage'a. A mój nick nie ma nic wspólnego z filmową Margaret Hale.
Margaret, nikt tu nikogo nie zmusza do lubienia czy nie lubienia Thorntona Gusta są różne. I dobrze
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