Ogród Jane Austen

Strona poświecona Jane Austen

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#1 2005-08-16 22:21:20


Jytania do Jennifer

Are you sitting down? Take a deep breath in...out. Now, take a look out your window. Yes, those are pigs flying across a blue moon. No, it's not the apocalypse.

Jennifer Ehle has decided to do an e-mail interview. With us.

(Let's pause a moment while you reattach your jaw and get back on your chair)

I have a few (million) questions already, but here's your opportunity to submit questions you'd like to ask her.

1. You can submit your questions in this forum thread - remember, registration is not required. You can also send them to jenniferehle@gmail.com (which is the blog's e-mail, not Ms Ehle's).

2. The deadline for submission is Friday the 19th of August (take pity, please don't leave it to the last minute!)

3. Please try not to submit questions that can be answered by other sources (eg. Google), or that have been answered in other interviews, unless the answer is likely to have changed over time. Have a look at the interviews and transcripts on the fansite. Also look through the archives here (the sidebar on the left).

4. If there are way too many submissions, I'll screen the questions according to these criteria: originality, relation to Ms Ehle's work, depth, wittiness. There's no official limit to the number of questions we can ask, but it's probably better not to send her a War-and-Peace sized brick.

5. If you want to be credited, submit your name and e-mail address along with your questions.

http://jenniferehle.blogspot.com/2005/0 … ition.html

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